I hope everyone is well, and much healthier with not having to read my daily complaints.
Just a heads up about a beautiful initiative set up by some wonderful people, that I am still absolutely amazed by.
click here: prayer campaign
It's basically created with the idea that the ummah is one body, as mentioned in hadith. We need to make sure that every nook and cranny upon the Earth is in our prayers, so that we can work to better our world with the remembrance of Allah.
So, what to do: you pick ANY country from the 246 plus on the list, and you email them the country of your choice. You can choose any country you want: perhaps where you live, where your heritage is from, a place you've always held dear, or a place you have never even thought about before, especially not in your prayers! It doesn't matter - it now becomes YOUR country; you then keep that country in your prayers, specifically. The aim is to get somebody praying for every country upon the Earth.
It is not armies and military interventions that change the world. It is not diplomacy and politics.
It is prayer, by the permission of Allah.
Please sign up.