Sunday, 25 March 2012


My grandmother just passed into the mercy of her Lord. Please pray that her journey is smooth, that her answers come easy, and that the beloved (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is her constant companion.

May Allah (all loving & kind) give my grandfather, their children, and all who love her, excellent patience.

Surely we belong to Allah alone, and to Him do we all return.

Al-fatihah, in sha Allah.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Prophetic Grace 2.

May Allah (most high) bless him and grant him peace, for every  person he has ever served and ever will serve, from the beginning to the end of time.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

the balance

Stuttered out a painful question to the teacher, summary of the answer being:

·         Studying the likes of aqidah [theology] and fiqh [law/jurisprudence] alone can, (and most probably will), lead to arrogance.  

·         Study spirituality alongside it, to keep yourself in check.

·         Imam Ghazali (and his books) suffice for anyone who does not have a spiritual guide.

·         21st century tasawwuf - just read Shama'il.

May Allah (most wise and kind) grant us determination with gentleness, resolve with patience.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Prophetic Grace

May Allah (Most Gracious) characterise our graceless selves with a portion of his gracious character, peace & blessings be upon him.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Divine Lutf

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him & grant him peace) said:

Allah (Most High) says: "Verily from my believing slaves are those whose faith will only be sound when they are wealthy; if I were to make them poor, it will ruin them. And verily from my believing slaves are those whose faith will only be sound when they are poor; if I were to give them wealth, it will ruin them. And verily from my believing slaves are those whose faith will only be sound when they are healthy; if I were to make them ill, it will ruin them. And verily from my believing slaves are those whose faith will only be sound when they are ill; if I were to heal them, it will ruin them. I arrange the affairs of my slaves as I wish. Verily, I am the Gentle One, the Aware."

[Ibn Abi Dunya, Bayhaqi, Ibn al Jawzi]