Wednesday, 16 November 2011

hitting the floor, with love.

According to the Hanafi school, the 14 verses of prostration in the Qur'an, all have three common themes. The necessity to prostrate is only when the verses mention: 

1.      the fact that believers are those who prostrate
         (so we prostrate because we want to be of them) or
2.      the fact that unbelievers refuse to prostrate
         (so we prostrate because we do not want to be of them) or 
 3.     the fact that the prophets were of those who prostrated
         (and so we prostrate because we want to follow them).

A cool story Shaykh H told us: 

worshippers in al-Aqsa.
Imam Malik walks into his masjid, between the time of Asr (late-afternoon prayer) and Maghrib (sunset prayer). Due to the makruh time (disliked time to pray additional units, according to some) he does not read the two extra units of 'greeting the masjid', and instead sits down. A man besides him, who does not recognise the Imam, and does not know this is Imam Malik's masjid (!) says to him "get up and pray!" [i.e. the two extra units] - and so, Imam Malik stands up and reads the two units. Later, someone who had been watching him, asks the imam why he had done that (despite the disliked time). He replies:
"so I would not be of those who refused to prostrate."  

Subhan Allah. 

Shaykh H mentioned that most of us (i.e. me!) would most probably have gone into a long debate about why we shouldn't pray in that time, the fiqh rules, etc etc. But not Imam Malik - he hit the floor, with love.

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