Friday, 24 February 2012

absolute fact 1

It was bad etiquette (arrogance) that led Satan to be accursed forever, not a deficiency in worship.


  1. call your blog 'avizandum'.

  2. Sadly, I had to google that. Explain, please?

  3. when two parties are in conflict. they hire an arbitrator to make a decision for them. this person is given the scenareo's, he then goes away into a room called the 'avizandum'. to think and ponder over the topic. he reflects and reviews and then writes down his final thoughts and decision on the case. kinda like a blog, you go away, into your own avizandum, think, reflect and then post your conclusions here.

  4. wow, that sounds amazing; a special room just to 'think and ponder' haha ma sha Allah. I can't say I come to many conclusions on here though, unfortunately! - but thank you for sharing.
