Monday, 31 October 2011

Proportional understanding

"The understanding of Islam is broad in accordance to the breadth of the human heart. And the broadest hearts are of the first generation, and then those who came after, and then those after them. And what we mean by that - and it is important for us to understand- is that the broadest understanding of Islam ever was by the first generation. But as the human being's heart becomes more constricted, then Islam by its nature is constricted, directly proportional to that of the human heart."
Shaykh Ibrahim.

They say that the more you study, the more excuses you have for people - because you realise that  the religion is expansive; there is room for many people, with varying ideas, and different hearts. "And Religion is, and can be vast! - why? because Allah is The Vast." 

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي
O My Lord: expand for me my heart!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Syria 3.

.اللهم بارك لنا في شامنا، اللهم بارك لنا في يمننا

And may Allah make us of the نا .

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Shaykh Gibril F. Haddad (Allah long, long preserve him, and all those whom he loves) is one of those people, amongst the living, in whose name Allah has granted me strength, and in whose works He has placed an abundance of inspiration. I have never met him; rarely even seen videos or pictures of him. I merely 'know' of him through his books and articles - lights! I mention 'amongst the living' because that is rare for me; most of my heroes are long gone beyond the veil.

He truly has done so much, but it's a bit cheap coming from me, so I won't attempt to enumerate his efforts.

Anyway, here is a short but beautiful summary of his path to Islam: G.F. Haddad's Conversion.

May Allah (exalted and kind!) allow us to benefit from those He has drawn near to Him.
& May Allah (al-Fattah!) grant us the openings of those who know Him.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Write it down

You know when sometimes you're sat in a class, and the teacher says something that just goes way over your head - and you try to concentrate and attempt to understand, but it's completely beyond you, so instead you just 'zone out' for a few minutes.

Well, one of our teachers (online, and across an ocean) told us that at these moments you should still write the idea down, or at the very least the references. He made mention of the famous, mass-transmitted (mutawatir) hadith of the Messenger of Allah, salallahu alahyi wa salam:

"It may be that one carries understanding without being a person of understanding; it may be that one carries understanding to one who possesses more understanding than he."

Commenting on this narration, he mentioned that some of the scholars have said that the person he may be carrying this knowledge to could be his future self. Ma sha Allah.

There'll be a day - bi `ithnillah - when you know more, appreciate further, understand deeper... just keep at it. And write it all down!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Within words

Al-Habib Mohammad al-Saggaf graced us with his beautifully prophetic presence recently, alhamdulillah wa shukrlillah. He related to us, in his final parting words, about the keys to openings found within dhikr (remembrance) of Allah.

"La ilaha ilallah" – this is the key to the heart.
The heart is the realm of the Knowledge of Allah (ma’rifah).

"Allah" – this is the key to the soul.
The soul is the realm of the Love of Allah (mahhabbah).

"Hu" – this is the key to the secret (within the soul). The secret is the realm of Witnessing (mushahada).

How far we are!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

What fills the heart

Teacher, master, and inspiration: Imam Nawawi (may Allah allow us to benefit from him) said:

"It occurred to me to study Medicine, so I bought the Qanun of Ibn Sina, whereupon darkness filled my heart and I was unable to work for several days. Then I came to my senses and sold the Qanun, after which light filled my heart."

May Allah (al-Mawla) protect our hearts.

Saturday, 8 October 2011


The teacher once struck up a metaphor for us, to teach us about true gratitude (I think)... a person is sent a beautiful horse by a benevolent giver. A person of a certain type would fall in love with the horse, and become infatuated with it, and see nothing beyond it. Another type of person would be caused to ponder upon the giver; his kindness and generosity. And then a third type would simply sit upon the horse, and ride unto the giver.

All the good (and 'bad') you have been given in this world is your gifted horse, the Giver is Allah.