Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Within words

Al-Habib Mohammad al-Saggaf graced us with his beautifully prophetic presence recently, alhamdulillah wa shukrlillah. He related to us, in his final parting words, about the keys to openings found within dhikr (remembrance) of Allah.

"La ilaha ilallah" – this is the key to the heart.
The heart is the realm of the Knowledge of Allah (ma’rifah).

"Allah" – this is the key to the soul.
The soul is the realm of the Love of Allah (mahhabbah).

"Hu" – this is the key to the secret (within the soul). The secret is the realm of Witnessing (mushahada).

How far we are!


  1. bismi Llah,
    as-salamu 'alaykum wa rahmatu Llah, sayyidati,

    jazaki Llah khayran so much for this. . . just thought i'd take this oppurtunity to thank you.

    keep me in your duas,

  2. wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah young sidi :)

    you are very welcome, and you keep us in yours.
