Monday, 24 October 2011

Write it down

You know when sometimes you're sat in a class, and the teacher says something that just goes way over your head - and you try to concentrate and attempt to understand, but it's completely beyond you, so instead you just 'zone out' for a few minutes.

Well, one of our teachers (online, and across an ocean) told us that at these moments you should still write the idea down, or at the very least the references. He made mention of the famous, mass-transmitted (mutawatir) hadith of the Messenger of Allah, salallahu alahyi wa salam:

"It may be that one carries understanding without being a person of understanding; it may be that one carries understanding to one who possesses more understanding than he."

Commenting on this narration, he mentioned that some of the scholars have said that the person he may be carrying this knowledge to could be his future self. Ma sha Allah.

There'll be a day - bi `ithnillah - when you know more, appreciate further, understand deeper... just keep at it. And write it all down!

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